24 definitions by Boo

1. The word commonly used by the character homer simpson of the simpsons. Used when done something idiotic.
A = "I sold the car for 22 dollars"
B = "It was a BMW!!!"
A = "DOH!"
by Boo October 20, 2003
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big penis ........................
Wow you have a petay!
by Boo March 17, 2005
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a giggling idiot; one who cannot stop laughing
Shh! Stop being a Lindley or we'll get points at this Quaker meeting!
by Boo May 19, 2003
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Rich Bitch- Chick usually young who got lots of dough , usually over 6 figures and flaunts it.
Girl who flaunts money , cars , status etc..
by Boo February 19, 2005
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A dude who act like a playa or like he sumthin but really got nothin. A broke guy with no job, no car, no girl..etc

A loser with nothing to offer a woman.
( I dont want no nasty scrub )
( Has nothin to offer me )
by Boo February 19, 2005
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girl with a mustache- usually an italian woman
damn his moms gota mustache
your grams got a mustache
by Boo February 19, 2005
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Assistance that low class males use when they have no job, no money are broke etc..
Damn you dont want to mess wit him boo- He fat and on welfare.
by Boo February 19, 2005
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