45 definitions by Bob Dole

a thing that makes you lose all your money in amsterdam
"dude want to get some of these amsterdam hoes?"
"cant man i spent all my money on marajuranha"
by Bob Dole March 17, 2005
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On a message board, posting something irrelevent on a really old topic to bring it to the top of the list topics. name comes from the fact that you are bringing it back from the dead, thus Necro. a practice common among n00blars.
n00b: I think necroposting is funny.
me: ::bitchslaps::
by Bob Dole January 18, 2004
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gagadgftgawfas ad fas a fad fa
gdstgafdf af sa af f
by Bob Dole December 27, 2005
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wounderful pork beef hotdog and cat meat by product
dude its spam
by Bob Dole February 11, 2003
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to give "head".... best if used on friends
"damn Yvonne Tran, ur mom jousted me so hard yesterday... i cant even walk straight."

"HEY EVERYONE, Yvonne Tran jousted me and my dad"

"Joust or What?!?"
by Bob Dole January 12, 2005
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when a male ejaculates into a females mouth, she then spits it into a bucket
thus swash bucket
by Bob Dole April 1, 2004
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