1 definition by Bloody Charlie Fangirl

A british, Perfect Youtuber, with Great hear, face smile, and he prides himself on being a nerd. His youtube account is Charlieissocoollike, Cool like means to hug a fridge. He has original songs written on both personal expierience and Dr. Who. He is even in a band Chameleon Circuit that does nothing but basically a sound track on Dr. Who. All their music is based upon the songs. Charlie is about as funny as Shane Dawson, but he is ten times more emersive, I've began to prefer his videos to Shane's. He also has a very relatable personality, and like i said perfect, he is VERY cute. He always brightens my day and will at one point earn many more subscribers than Fred, but I don't think he cares much for that. He only cares that he likes his vids. thats GREAT quality I Believe.

He has gotten a very credited amount of attention for " Duet with myself" and his series "Challenge Charlie"

My favorite video he has made is either Never From Concentrate (with bits) , Dying my hair red, or Winegum expeiriment.
Question: who would you like to kiss on youtube?
me: Charlie McDonnel, the cute british nerdy youtuber.
friend: HEY Charlie isnt a nerd, he's AWESOME

me: hes claimed to be one, im not just saying this. Nerds are cool anyways...

Friend: whatever....Nerds arent cool, you stuff them in lockers, and Charlie is cool
Me: Nahh, Nerds are overly smart and immature why is that bad?
Friend: Well, its a bit of an insult I think
Me: for heavens sake, when did this thing with nerd being uncool come into play? Have you seen his video "Defending video Games"???
Friend: yeah
me: Well, what is the first line in the description??
friend: "Because I am a huge Nerd" but still....
Me: Fine, then what was one of the things he claimed to be on his site???
Friend: fine you win. He's cool. He's a nerd. Nerds are cool. but why would you want to kiss him?
Me: Well, your male so you wouldnt understand. But i find him rather attractive
friend: I thought you loved Andy Six
me: Well, him too. and this is for YOUTUBER
Friend: Well, Shane Dawson....
me: has no personality....
Friend: Yeah, Charlie does have a rather relatable tone
me: Yeah, and that counts alot for me.
Friend: so we both agree CHARLIE IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!
by Bloody Charlie Fangirl August 27, 2010
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