19 definitions by Blackmeowcat

the female genitalia, a nicer name for a pussy.
Her cookie was so nicely shaven, mmm mmm!
by Blackmeowcat July 14, 2004
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Taylor, Michigan. Named Taylortucky because everybody sports mullets, drives rustangs, pick up trucks, wears wife beaters and drinks Old Milwaukee beer. Drop out rate in schools is high, most graduates and drop outs resort to drugs, and continue living with their parents.

Tucky was added at the end, because majority of the residents migrated from kentucky.
What does a Taylor girl do when she gets up in the morning? Goes home.

That is so Taylortucky.
by Blackmeowcat July 14, 2004
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The orafice located at the end of your digestive tract, butthole.
by Blackmeowcat July 14, 2004
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A tool used to excite the female organs, usually shaped like a phallus, and having a bunny or bunny ears at the base of the phallus to stimulate the clitoris.
I was so tired and stressed out today, that when I got home, I played with my blue buzz bunny.
by Blackmeowcat July 14, 2004
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