51 definitions by Bill M.

1. The second meal of the day, except for college students where it's the first meal of the day.
2. The mid-day break from the work place (usually 60 minutes), though sometimes used for work-related social interactions.
3. (out to ~) crazy
1. (YAWN) Damn, it's one o'clock. We have to get lunch before the cafeteria closes.

2. I'm going on lunch break right now. Let's do lunch tomorrow and discuss this further.

3. My boss is really out to lunch. No, I mean figuratively -- she's nuts.
by Bill M. July 28, 2004
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A vague but derogatory term blindly used by music "fans" to describe bands who make (or have managers who make) a new lucrative and/or artistically experimental decision (for example: accepting a product endorsement, a change in the band's expected composition style, switching to a larger record label, dressing with more class, speaking out against mass mp3 piracy, etc.) The word is sometimes also applied to bands who simply get more commercial success through no additional effort.

The anger comes from the false belief that fans "own" their favorite entertainers, that these entertainers are thus not real humans with free will, and the feeling of grief when some CD that the listener previously enjoyed alone is now enjoyed by millions of more people.

(Note that "sellout" ONLY applies to those who make a living in the fine arts. For example, a software engineer who accepts a job promotion and higher salary is never branded as a "sellout". Nor is a professional athlete who appears on a box of Wheaties.)
Actual quotes from an old friend:

(1993) "Damnit, Smashing Pumpkins is such an underrated band. They never get played on the radio!"
(1994) "Damnit, Smashing Pumpkins are always on Mtv and the radio now! They're such sellouts."
by Bill M. July 29, 2004
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In the U.K.: A guy, a bloke, a person in general. The British equivalent of the American slang word "dude".

In the U.S.: An old man, particularly one who is either cranky or eccentric. Rather derogatory term.
(UK) "You're looking for Johnny? Yeah, he's that geezer over there in the green coat."

(US) "Old man Anderson keeps yelling at the kids playing outside. That geezer!"
by Bill M. September 20, 2004
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(BASE - gitt - TARR) A musical instrument that's a hybrid of the upright bass (also known as the double bass or bass violin) and the electric guitar, conveniently combining the low tonal range of the upright bass with the portability and playability of the guitar. Popularized by models created by Leo Fender in the 1950s, although he wasn't the first to manufacture a bass & guitar combination.

Like the original upright bass, bass guitars most commonly have 4 thick strings tuned EADG. But extended-range models with five (BEADG) or six strings (BEADGC) are available too, as are 8 and 12 string models (based off the idea of 12 string guitars).
Paul McCartney and Sting both play the bass guitar.
by Bill M. July 27, 2004
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("BURK - sheerz") The western half of Massachusetts. Pretty much everything west of Springfield, regardless of whether or not the town is in the actual county of Berkshire. Known for its heavily wooded areas, ski resorts, and small towns, in contrast to the more urbanized eastern half of the state.
"We went to the Berkshires last winter to go skiing."
by Bill M. December 17, 2004
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(1944 - ) Artist and designer, best known for his logos and fantasy landscape paintings made for posters and album covers for bands such as Yes and Asia.
Roger Dean's website is rogerdean.com
by Bill M. July 28, 2004
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It's a green plant that you can use for...uh...um....what were we talking about again?
Marijuana is all-natural. Then again, so is arsenic and monkey dung.
by Bill M. July 28, 2004
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