16 definitions by BellasaurusTheJust

noun a person who blindly believes everything the tangerine tribble says . They will typically be right wing Christian conservatives who think women should be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen . They often subscribe to the belief that anyone who is not whiter than wonder bread should go back where they came from even if that is their own country. Most are fans of Professional Wrestling and believe it is legitimate and real like the tangerine toddler . They believe that there should not be abortions but think any kind of gun control to keep people from shooting up kids that are here is the worst thing ever. Most of all they think any criticism of Donald Trump is akin to blasphemy and that anyone who does so should be hung for treason.
Did you see the Trumpanzees on Fox News sticking up for that mysoginistic pedophile motherfucker
by BellasaurusTheJust August 23, 2019
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the skinny pigeon ass motherfucker Riddle needs to get an ass
looking at Riddle's pigeon ass makes me puke
by BellasaurusTheJust November 25, 2021
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