2 definitions by Beautiful Nerd

The most beautiful,sexy,and crazy girl you'll ever meet. She lights up a room whenever she walks in. She knows how to make people happy with just a smile. She's a little of a love puppy but its normal for girls. She falls in love way to easily,but friends help her through. She had thick curly brown hair that makes peoples jaw drop,but loves dyeing her hair cRaZy colors. Anela has amazing spelling and excellent grades,but out of class not the smartest cookie. She wears thick black rimmed glasses that make her look like a sexy nerd.
Guy: Who's that gorgeous girl walking by?!
Guy Friend: Oh! That's just Anela.
Guy: Oh. My. God. O.O *grools out of mouth*
Guy Friend: Uh...you need a napkin bro???
by Beautiful Nerd April 14, 2013
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Someone who cant identify into one stereotype because their ways change with their mood and music.
"Hey man, I thought you were gothic?'
"Nah man,Im stereofluid,so today I'm indie"

"What is she alternative?"
"No, she's stereofluid. Yesterday, she wore a leather jacket and combat boots but today she's wearing a sweater vest."
by Beautiful Nerd January 4, 2015
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