36 definitions by BeardedFatass

(n) a specific type of one hit wonder in which the artist's one and only hit defies all logic and reason
"The Heights" is one of the best examples of a one hit blunder: they are a fake band that performed the bland, generic theme to their low-rated TV show that was cancelled after less than half a season. Despite all this, "How Do You Talk To An Angel" actually spent TWO weeks at #1 in 1992. Wouldn't people have at least tuned in to the show to hear that fantastic theme?!
by BeardedFatass January 8, 2004
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(prefix) 1. related to a McDonald's restaurant, especially the food
2. mediocre or inferior in quality
3. generic

Usage: Append before nouns, verbs, adjectives, or adverbs; the M and the first letter of the original word should be capitalized with no spaces or hyphens
"This burger McSucks. I don't know why I keep buying these. They're making me McFat, and I know I'll have to McShit in a half hour."

"I got the McCrabs from that McHooker."

"Dang! This McRental doesn't even have a CD player!"
by BeardedFatass October 2, 2004
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Etymology: A character in Scott Adams' Dilbert comic strip

(n) a clueless boss, esp. one that has been over-promoted and uses a lot of meaningless corporate buzzwords
My pointy-haired boss just told me I need to make a paradigm of strategizing my primary action items, just because I forgot to use the new cover sheet on the TPS reports.
by BeardedFatass January 12, 2004
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(n) the fluid that oozes from a cat if you squeeze it hard enough
You thought this was going to be dirty, didn't you? Sick bastard.
by BeardedFatass December 11, 2002
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(n) a lame excuse for obese pigs to claim they are on a "diet" while they gorge themselves with excessive amounts of fatty meat, cheese, butter, and lard

(aka Fatkins Diet)
I'm on the Atkins Diet. Yesterday, I ate a 12-egg omelette, 36 sausage links, a brick of Cheddar cheese, 2 jars of peanuts, 4 sticks of butter, a 32-ounce steak wrapped in bacon, a pork roast, and a can of Crisco for dessert. The only reason I gained 135 pounds was because I accidentally inhaled a crouton.
by BeardedFatass May 18, 2004
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