15 definitions by Barry G.

English teacher with a good knowledge base but who is often diverted by his Lord of the Rings worship and obsession with Hot Potatoes program. Constantly interrupted by chants of "dildo" and "raspberry-flavored monkey jizz" in class.
"Hot Potatoes Jim is making us read all 3 Lord of the Rings Books! Blueberry-flavored horse jizz!"
by Barry G. May 14, 2004
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Annoying girl who complains of chronic illness yet smokes like a chimney, cries poormouth but wastes money on cigarettes. Hobbies include surfing and defacing signs of able candidates.
"If the Smoker is in such a financial problem, why does she spend half her money on cigarettes?"
by Barry G. September 8, 2004
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meeting for an hour and a half to discuss whether you are or are not allowed to have shot glasses or alcohol posters in your dorms at a South Jersey college.
"It is a waste to discuss banning Absolout posters!"
by Barry G. August 27, 2004
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math professor who mispronounces zero and studies students pictures in his free time. Can't teach for anything!
"What was the Voodoo Robot talking about today?"
by Barry G. September 24, 2004
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what goes on at a certain central bergen county high school involving teachers giving answer keys on tests and the constant yelling of "jizz, waste and dildo"
It might snow in Detroit, so daycare is cancelled for today.
by Barry G. March 23, 2004
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Cranky replusive high school student who threatens those smaller than him but is still constantly mocked. Hated by funny Jamaican Earth Science teacher.
"I almost went blind looking at Abominable trailer!"
by Barry G. May 14, 2004
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Government teacher who thinks he can give kids detention for not doing hw. Doesnt realize senior year is over.
"Yo Colonel Power no one did the hw!"
by Barry G. April 4, 2004
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