10 definitions by Baron Of Stuff

Turd-Tokens, Shit Tickets, Bumwad, Bog Roll.

Toilet tissue paper.
"Hey ma! You'll have to pickup the shoppin' alone, I'm on the bog an' we ain't got any brown shield stamps!"
by Baron Of Stuff November 7, 2007
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An oddly-shaped, rock-solid and gnarled turd, which leaps out at speed from behind you and casts a painful spell on your ringpiece.
Jesus my arse is sore! Bastard Bum Goblin!
by Baron Of Stuff November 6, 2007
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1.) A short, fat shit.

2.) A short, fat, shit 'comedian'.
"Hmmm... before I go see Chubby Brown tonight, I'll drop a Chubby Brown down the bog..."
by Baron Of Stuff April 1, 2008
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To have the Turtle's Head, to be Touching Cloth. An emergency situation involving Mr. Brown
Oh Jesus! Mr. Brown is at the window, excuse me a minute whilst I see him off.
by Baron Of Stuff November 6, 2007
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A bottsman. With shit on his helmet.
"You comin' out with us down Brighton tonight?"

"Fuck off, you brown hatter! I know what you lot do on a night out!"
by Baron Of Stuff November 10, 2007
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