44 definitions by Assholes Inc.

Someone who constantly keeps ripping off text or pictures from other sites and posting on a forum.
The Ctrl-V Whore who spams forums incessantly didn't know when to shut the hell up, so his username and IP address got banned from the site.
by Assholes Inc. October 2, 2003
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Used to be a shitty gay boyband with uber fags in it.

Then the Asshole Squad came and blew their brains out with .38 magnums.
by Assholes Inc. September 9, 2003
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What you should do after being so stupid you buy the crappy iMac from a computer store.
I pilfered my iMac with a 30-pound sledgehammer and I was feeling happy again.
by Assholes Inc. September 10, 2003
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