12 definitions by Ashtar the Fox

A word invented by the now-defunct Looking Glass Studios, used as a slang term in their 'First-Person Sneaker' release, Thief: The Dark Project (So named because of the games engine, which is simply called 'Dark' because of it's innovative use of light and darkness in gameplay.)

Taffer, insofar as the game environment is defined--is a bastardization of the word 'Trickster', a pagan deity with druidic tendencies. Much in the same way that the interjection 'Geez' in our English language is a bastardization of 'Jesus', the Christo-Catholic Messiah.

No direct denotation is given to the word 'Taffer', but from it's use, we can take it to be synonymous with many different nouns depending on how it's used. It can also be used as a verb:

Thief, Fool, Jerk, Joker, etc.
Noun(1): "Give that back this instant, you taffer!"

Verb(1): "Quit taffing around!"
Verb(2): "You mean he managed to fit -both- his hands up his gaping asshole?! You're taffing me!"
by Ashtar the Fox March 23, 2003
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Old Lore:

In really old times, people whispered about the wickedness of thieves and sinning, and one popular tale/rumour was about the Hand of Glory.

It goes that a master thief carried a dead man's withered hand into the house he intends to burgle, and then lights the fingers on fire. If a finger catches fire, it means somebody is sleeping inside the house--if it doesn't, then it means they're awake. (Or there aren't enough people in the house as there are fingers, which is important and plays into how the thief is often caught at the end, by people in the house hiding or pretending to be asleep.)

Once the fingers were lit, the sleeping people were charmed, and wouldn't wake up until the flames were extinguished, which could only be done by dipping the hand into fresh milk.

A common variation on the tale is that the hand must be taken from the hand of an unborn baby. Preferably done in a graveyard, at the stroke of midnight, and without making any noise. These Hands of Glory were the best, and when lit on fire, could burn forever without being consumed, and also casting a "devil's light", which would light up the darkness, but only for the thief holding it.
In Looking Glass Studios' "Thief- The Dark Project", Garrett steals back his Hand of Glory while breaking into Cragscleft.
by Ashtar the Fox May 24, 2004
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A person with a very close, often(but not always) times sexual attachment to stuffed animals.
by Ashtar the Fox March 23, 2003
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The common word 'Furry', used as a noun, denotes a furry fan, a person who has an interest or appreciation for furry subjects in art, culture, and literature.

A furry lifestyler, by comparison, is someone who has a deeper connection to the animal of their choosing. Not necessarily to a shamanistic or therianthropic degree, but to a degree where they see their animal containing some qualities as a reflection of themselves in some fashion.
by Ashtar the Fox March 23, 2003
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A homosexual faggot who's likes are admittedly pretty close to the above example. (I have absolutely no shame.) With the addition of pretty-boy men, tomboy girls, and a passion for video games and anime.
Ashtar the Fox is a social anarchist, he could care less about how many people are disgusted by his antics! What sort of crazy shit will he get into next?!
by Ashtar the Fox November 9, 2003
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Also: The Unknown Writer is a liar. I'm not a homosexual faggot, I'm just really, really gay.
by Ashtar the Fox November 10, 2003
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