10 definitions by Allegedly...

Non disclosure agreement

When you have done bad things and you and the CEO don't want people to know so you try and push a woman into signing an NDA
Hi I'm Mr Matturbation. I can't believe you won't drop this lawsuit. Sign the NDA FFS so my wife will believe my bullshit.
by Allegedly... October 18, 2019
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When you are such a sick fuck perv that you give a woman the choice of nicknames Matturbation and Harry Frotteur to choose from.
That's right the Dumblecunt admitted to enough dirty shit on a tape that I possess that he can't sue me for defamation by calling him Harry Frotteur or Matturbation. Hahahahaha what a Dumblecunt
by Allegedly... October 18, 2019
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It's what a married guy named Matt aka Harry Frotteur has to resort to for the next year or two when his wife knows he is in some serious fucking trouble
Hey look it's Matturbation isn't that the guy who brought a book about vagina and pubic hair into work after touching that woman and his wife knows he's guilty and now it doesn't matter if he can get it up
by Allegedly... October 18, 2019
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