25 definitions by Ali T

A slang word for the male penis. Usally spoken with a northen accent.
That whore put on her stiletto boots and walked all over my cawk.
by Ali T April 19, 2003
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After several hours of boneing a worish slut your dick begins to get irritated due to the condom's lubrication evaperating
Person 1 "Dude I was so drunk and her cum box was so boored out that I couldn't bust my nut and ended up getting condom Raw"
Person 2 "Holy shit bro, so what did you do?"
Person 1 "I jerked off in the condom and threw it in her eye like a cum balloon, causing that bitch temporary blindness"
by Ali T May 15, 2003
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(VERB) Style of wrestling practiced in Olympic and international amateur competition. In Greco-Roman wrestling the legs may not be used in any way to obtain a fall, and no holds may be taken below the waist. The sole exception to this would be the fondeling of another mans package. It is comon during greco roman wrestling for the two men to grunt in each others ears whilest their sweaty bodies intermingle.
by Ali T May 11, 2003
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The errect male cock
My man flower was in full bloom when I saw that little slut in that whore dress of hers.
by Ali T April 24, 2003
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Yeah, we threw his ass in the back of the buss and hauled ass to the Hospital
by Ali T April 28, 2003
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simmilar to "Ta Da" or "there you are nigga"
Kedow, I busted that slutty as bitch in the lip with my cawk
by Ali T April 21, 2003
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