847 definitions by Alex

A person with a car(usually a Honda)who has spent more on visual modifications than they pay in apartment rent each year. They are usually aged between 18-30. They belive they are hot shit untill ask to race them, then they chicken out because they only have a stock 1.6L inline four engine.
See that ricer over there with the Civic? I'll bet he has a small penis.
by Alex February 8, 2004
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when your ass turn red from chafing and you start walking funny. (not fun)
damn i got the redass from walking so much!
by Alex January 18, 2005
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can be either of the two:

1. a rational-thinking woman who just wants women to be treated equally among men; you will not see many on CNN or MSNBC

2. A sexist hag who wants men castrated and made untouchables, the kind who wants women to rule the world. Also see lesbian although lesbians don't necessarily have to be feminists.
by Alex August 22, 2003
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A female that looks good from a distance but when she gets up close you smack yourself if the balls for even thinking that she could have been hot
Scott: Damn I thought that girl was gonna be hot...

Alex: Hell no thats a block-o-mo-hoe

Scott: What?

Alex: Hell yea that hoe look good from a block or more
by Alex April 20, 2004
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1. "Hey d00d let's go play a game of 0wnz0rz and watch Teh Dead Zone!!1"
by Alex January 28, 2003
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Computer term: "Rapid Application Devolopment" Software used to devolop software easily and fast. RAD software usually does most of the work for you.
See term 2 of IDE.
Delphi 7 is RAD software.
by Alex January 16, 2004
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