5 definitions by Aldo Lo Spavaldo

Originating from the Italian language this word means clown, joker, pagliaccio (or pagliazzo). Becoming popular in Scotland with the arrival of the Lazzarini brothers.

Also see pagliaccio or pagliazzo.
Ehehehh, you are a real buffone David... I can't believe you said that.

Rickybu what a buffone are you?
by Aldo Lo Spavaldo May 1, 2005
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Something either very small or not existent.
Mr Berlusconi says: “I have a huge cock and the biggest pair of balls you can find in Italy.”
Mr Bush replies: “ye… right! Weapons of mass destruction!”
by Aldo Lo Spavaldo May 1, 2005
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Italian word for clown, jocker. Becoming popular in Scotland.

Sometimes spelled "Pagliaccio".
Ehehehh, you are a real pagliaccio my friend... I can't beleave you said that.
by Aldo Lo Spavaldo May 1, 2005
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Stroppia (feminine)

A word originating from central Italy. Apparently from the Ancona province (Archi). Quickly becoming of common use in the everyday English and "Scottish".

A frendly way to tell someone how stupid he/she is. Obtuse, dim, brainless, thick-headed.
Ahhh... come on bob, what a stroppio!

What the hell have you done linda, you are a stroppia!
by Aldo Lo Spavaldo May 1, 2005
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Italian word for clown, jocker. Becoming popular in Scotland.

Sometimes spelled "Pagliazzo".
Ehehehh, you are a real pagliaccio my friend... I can't beleave you said that.
by Aldo Lo Spavaldo May 1, 2005
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