39 definitions by Al "The Computer Guy"

The abreviation for compact flash.
CF is used in cameras.
by Al "The Computer Guy" April 17, 2004
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A hospitol in Arizona where all of the crazy people go to, to get service. I've seen a man who hadn't changed his socks for at least a year there while getting my EMT certification.
God bless the people who work at st. joes.
by Al "The Computer Guy" April 17, 2004
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Are the keys that have functions that are easy to access by pushing only a few buttons.
Have you set any Hot Keys for your computer?
by Al "The Computer Guy" April 17, 2004
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Songs or music that can be on any format such as radio, tape, or cd.
Why don't you pop in some tunes to listen to?
by Al "The Computer Guy" April 16, 2004
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