369 definitions by Adrian

What Irish Republicans in Northern Ireland say they want. Really meaning "give in to us and we will stop shooting your people and bombing your country" Like giving Bin Laden his own state if he promises not to strike again in the U.S.A.
A vote for sin fein is a vote for peace
by Adrian February 6, 2004
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The only word that doesn't go out of style.
Cool will probably never go out of style.
by Adrian May 1, 2007
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The best movie of 2006. Period. After the disappointing X3 and fangirl powered Pirates of the caribbean 2, Superman Returns is the best movie of the year.
Like, POTC 2 was, like, awesome, cause it has, like, Johnny Depp, and, like, Orlando Bloom in it.
Superman Returns was better.
Like, it didn't have, like, Johnny and Orlando in it!
*gives blank stare*
by Adrian September 30, 2006
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The ice planet in the empire strikes back where the rebels get their asses kicked by the empire
This is the best sequel ever for any movie.
by Adrian March 31, 2005
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The 2006 (yes, 06, not 07) NFC champs.
What now? The Chicago Bears are going to Miami.
by Adrian January 22, 2007
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