28 definitions by Adelbert Steiner

The Tamil Tigers aka the LTTE are a group of Tamils fighting for Tamil Eelam. They were set up to fight against the discriminatory Sinhalese government's attempts to treat Tamils living in Sri Lanka as second class citizens.

However, in their attempts to do this they ended up stooping down to immoral acts - although they did not commit as many attrocities against civilians as the Sinhalese government did.

Whilst they are a terrorist organisation, mostly interested in their own agenda, they are less responsible for the conflict in Sri Lanka than the government. Now that they have been pretty much defeated, the Sinhalese government will have a free reign and if something is not done there is a danger that there will be a genocide. Tamil civilians in Sri Lanka must be helped!
The Tamil Tigers may be bad but they haven't murdered as many innocent people as the Sinhalese government.
by Adelbert Steiner May 30, 2009
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'Gwok' is the sound made by oglops from Final Fantasy IX
'I got turned into an oglop, gwok'
by Adelbert Steiner March 22, 2008
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The main villain of Final Fantasy IX. Some people thought he was a woman at first, even though he was labelled as 'Mystery Man'. Kuja is amazingly powerful, suffering only a small cut from a powerful attack from Bahamut. He also destroys a planet which Id like to see any other FF villain do.
No way! Kuja just beat the hell outta my level 60 party!!!
by Adelbert Steiner March 20, 2008
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Badass dude from Final Fantasy IX. Has a pretty interesting developement as he turns from a selfish loner to a more helpful sort of loner. During the game he puzzles over Zidane's motivations.
Amarant with his claws and chakra skills is a strong fighter.

"Foolish. Picking fights with strangers in a place like this... I used to know someone like that. He was a loser... He refused to find beneficial ways to use his power. Instead, he'd seek out people to fight..." - Amarant Coral, in a veiled reference to himself.

"I see now why he won and I lost. I lost against his way of thinking" - Amarant, talking about Zidane
by Adelbert Steiner March 20, 2008
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The nickname for the Tamil film industry. It's based mainly in Chennai
OMG, Rajinikanth is starring in the next Kollywood film!

by Adelbert Steiner March 22, 2008
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In my opinion, the best game ever. Final Fantasy IX is very different thematically to FFVII and FFVIII since it returns to its roots. Instead of a modern world with mobiles and emails, the setting is pretty simple (although there are airships). It truly feels like a fantasy game and one that is done extremely well.

The characters are all unique and are brought to life by a beautifully written script. Nobuo Uematsu returned for his last solo FF sound track and it was amazing. From the beginning piece 'The Place I'll Return to Someday' to the emotionally powerful 'You're not alone', the music never fails to pull at those heart strings.

The gameplay is solid and enjoyable despite lacking any uniqueness. Which brings me onto another point about FFIX in that it was intended to be a throw back to the earlier Final Fantasys. In that respect the plot, characters and setting were not ground breaking. But all these aspects were done so damn well that Sakaguchi, the series founder called it the best Final Fantasy yet. Uematsu said the same.

In conclusion, FFIX is a magnificent game although it failed to make the impact that many FF fans (such as me) feel it deserved. So, for those of you who haven't played it, go play it now! It is more than just a game, the experience and memories may well last you a lifetime.
I just spent 80 hours playing Final Fantasy 9 and it rocks, kupo!
by Adelbert Steiner March 20, 2008
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Final boss in Final Fantasy IX. Pretty random but cool nonetheless. His difficult to predict fighting style makes him an adrenaline pumping final boss.
I just beat Kuja! YAY!!!! I finished the game!!!

...Woah, wtf is Necron!?
by Adelbert Steiner March 21, 2008
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