368 definitions by Ac

A city where weed and prostitution is legal
Amsterdam= Nice ass retiernment place
by Ac February 14, 2004
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Sak pasé to all my hationa homies!
by Ac September 24, 2003
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It really is a great city. Its beautiful at night. Even though the city itself is losing tons of population, Its Suburbs such as Montgomery County and Bucks County have been skyrocketing.
Philadelphia is a wonderful town to live in.
by Ac August 18, 2004
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1.) The Deep South is a cultural and geographic subregion of the American South, differentiated from the "Old South" as being the post colonial expansion of Southern States in the antebellum period.

The core states of the deep south are:


States like:

South Carolina

Are Sometimes categorized as "deep south" states along with the 4 core states. Varies by source.

2.) According to "Dictionary of Cultural Literacy," The deep south states are the six founding members of the Confederacy (Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana.)
The Deep Southern States are probably one of the best states in the continental united states.
by Ac October 23, 2005
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1.) The Deep South is a cultural and geographic subregion of the American South, differentiated from the "Old South" as being the post colonial expansion of Southern States in the antebellum period.

The core states of the deep south are:


States like:

South Carolina

Are Sometimes categorized as "deep south" states along with the 4 core states. Varies by source.

2.) According to "Dictionary of Cultural Literacy," The deep south states are the six founding members of the Confederacy (Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana.)
Welcome to the Deep South.
by Ac October 23, 2005
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1. The leader of the white trash of America, whos intelligence only slightly outweighs that of the people who support and/or voted for him.

2. The leader of the so called moral majority of this country. Including his propaganda distributors: Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and the like.
by Ac March 6, 2005
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