35 definitions by A dying goat

The song Baby is driving me insane. Just stop making music Justin Boobies!
by A dying goat November 24, 2017
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1. Of the sea/ocean.
2. A soldiers of the Marines branch of their country's military (notably USA). Patriots like them for "protecting their freedom", WAP's and Afghans hate them for ruining their homes.
3. USMC - The branch which actively intervene and bombing the hell out of Syria and Asia minor, killing many people, yet people still think they are heroes and protect their freedoms, when they never defended the USA, making it the most overrated military branch ever. Just my opinion though
1. We should protect marine life.
by A dying goat February 18, 2018
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An insult.
S uck
A ss

A good one because the first thing that springs to mind is the country, the meaning is not obvious.
Person 1: *goes on losing streak*
Person 2: USA!
Person 1: Your dumb
Person 2: I mean, U, Suck, Ass!
by A dying goat February 18, 2018
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A gas which is highly flammable, toxic and smelly in nature. By fermenting poo you can make some of this.
It is used to describe:
1. Some useless thing which is only used to detect danger. (It has strong odor and highly toxic)
2. Something really cringeworthy with a notable presence. (A revolting odor with toxin)
3. Really annoying thing you cannot get rid of. (It's a gas)
4. Convincing them to suicide, by intaking this gas, which will kill you in minutes.
5. Describing things that belongs to a lower class, as hydrogen sulfide is present near ocean beds to feed the organisms down there, which is low-class.
In chemistry its formula is H2S.
The PewDiePie fanbase is getting cancerous as ever, it is nothing other than hydrogen sulfide.
by A dying goat September 7, 2017
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The most exhausting day on a work week. Tuesday is well away from the next weekend, and your "energy charge" is low because they all used up on monday. Most workers hate this day so much.
Ah, tuesday is here. I'm so sleepy right now.
by A dying goat August 22, 2017
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Person who makes stupidly hard parkour maps on Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Probably from Hong Kong
Come suffer with me in this crazy hard parkour map by Sleepyhead101
by A dying goat July 11, 2021
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An online discussion about someone doing sth. considered bad by most people. Many people will immediately bash the person with rude sentences, swear words, sex references and death threats.
Usually people just look at the few lines of text and the blurred photo before making their word. Sometimes suicides are caused by them.
It's like a court martial, only it is online.
Look, this net martial is bashing an innocent kid! This needs to stop!
by A dying goat November 24, 2017
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