35 definitions by A dying goat

A very common type of Goanimate (aka GoToHell) video. Usually, it involves a character, usually from a kids show, having a minor infraction, then suddenly his parents appear and grounds him for an incomprehensibly long period of time , usually at least 1 million years, then the character getting grounded walks away with huge internal screeches.
These videos are often very cringeworthy, with inanimated non-PNG objects and weird movements that defy physics being commonplace. They are so cringy that some mistook them as advertisements by Clorox.
Typical grounded video:
Caillou: I am going to eat some chips
*hand moves to a bag of inanimate chips with a background*
*boris appears*
Boris: *massive internal screech* o o o o o o o o CAILLOU HOW DARE YOU EAT THAT'S IT YOUR GROUNDED GROUNDED GROUNDED GROUNDED GROUNDED FOR 98532908774 x 10^31 YEARS!!!!!! GO TO UR ROOM NOW!!!!!!!!
Caillou: what a a a a a o *another massive internal screech*
by A dying goat October 30, 2018
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The very first level of the backrooms. This usually the first level you access when you noclip out of reality and enter the backrooms. This level resembles the typical backrooms impression, with mono yellow, flourescent lights at maximum hum-buzz, and moist yellow carpet. To exit, you can find a fire exit to get to Level 1.
*me entering the backrooms for the first time* This place really stinks! There is moist yellow carpet, old yellow wallpaper, I think I am in Level 0. Hope I didn't spawn near some beings...
by A dying goat July 30, 2020
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A mobile game which drives people crazy for losing trophies and grabs lots of money for their creators, Supercell, by having players buy in-game gems. It is basically a cash grabber, as it partially forces you to buy their stuff while having broken matchmaking and balance which ruins the fun.
I stopped playing clash royale 2 days ago, a lot of pay-to-winners beat me and I dropped to 0 trophies which make me throw my phone.
by A dying goat September 7, 2017
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Highly processed and coloured food which will not even make you feel satisfied. Kept in airtight packets and you only need to add water to eat it. Designed just to make you full. There is no flavour, weird shapes and taste like air.
P.S. the containers looked like laboratory apparatus.
Why is the cheese so bland? Is this NASA food?
by A dying goat November 24, 2017
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An airplane cabin we peasants will never be able to get into, simply because we are too broke to even fly often to get the miles required for the upgrade.
I'm too broke to even have a chance to fly business class and have to suffer in the barn also known as economy class...
by A dying goat August 6, 2020
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A kind of Chinese food which contains white noodles made from fine rice and various natrual ingredients, such as mushrooms, bean sprouts and chili sauce. They may vary according to region.
Because of its diversity in ingredients, it can also be used to describe anything that has a lot of different kinds of things in a small area, such as a meme sharing website.
Weird? Sports? Internet? Cartoons? Vine is such a bowl of Yunnan noodles!
by A dying goat December 8, 2017
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(1) A horror movie.
(2) The minecraft bedrock server BrokenLens' anticheat system. Known for banning people for no reason, but cases like these are few and far in between. However, if you get banned by it you are screwed as the staff don't unban these type of people
(1) The Watcher is a 2016 movie.
(2) Brokenlens staff: "sorry, we don't unban people banned by the watcher"
by A dying goat August 25, 2019
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