10 definitions by A Gorilla

Lawyers: the cause of all of lifes problems, shame on all the idiot parents that want their kids to become one. Lawyers are pure evil
by A Gorilla July 9, 2007
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A kickass game, but only the PS2 version. Now that the PS2 port is out, people will no longer have to waste 100 extra dollars buying a game cube to play it on and will now have to only pay about 40 bucks to get it on the PS2 WITH BONUS CONTENT such as new weapons, a new playable character (wont say who), new outfits, a movie viewer so u can see all the movies with out having to play through the whole game again, support for widescreen tvs (important for videophilles like me), and a lower difficulty settings for all you pussies who complained it was too hard.
Dont waste your money on that square P.O.S. called Game Cube get the PS2 version of Resident Evil 4 with added features, you wont regret it.
by A Gorilla August 3, 2006
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What makes or breaks all high school relationships. It isnt fair, buts it's true and you all know it
Girl 1: OMG my BF got me concert tickets for Valentine's Day, I LUV HIM!

Girl 2: Mine only got me candy, I fucking hate him
by A Gorilla August 21, 2007
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Lawyers: the cause of all of lifes problems, shame on all the idiot parents that want their kids to become one.
by A Gorilla July 9, 2007
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Halo (single player)is average at best. Anyone that says otherwise needs to play Half-life 2, Doom, or Killzone
by A Gorilla December 4, 2006
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The epiphany of everything that is wrong with pop-culture today. Over-priced, over-exposed, over-used, and a POS interface (iTunes). And its WAAY too expensive. Also a blatant monopoly (last time I checked those were illegal).
Dont buy an Ipod. Buy Creative, or Rhapsody. Hell, buy a Zune like me. ANYTHING but an Ipod
by A Gorilla December 3, 2006
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A system that had potential but failed due to not including DVD playback, Using mini dvds, and not fully supporting online play, having games mostly aimed for kids (pre-teens and below), and no direct sequel to Super Mario 64. Also the controller was too small, further proof of its true target aduience (kids)
Fly, Game Cube, Fly, you're not ready...

by A Gorilla August 3, 2006
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