3 definitions by 07 Sr. Mens Swim

the act of wrapping sandpaper around your Penis and having sex with a woman
after i used the carpenter she was smooth as a pebble
by 07 Sr. Mens Swim November 6, 2007
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The act of snapping an arrow in half, and shoving the stick with the arrow end into your urethra (read: peehole). The man would then use his penis to create holes into a womans body, therefore fucking any location on the body he so desires.
I'm gon' kill him i'm gon' rape him, i'm gon' give him medievel times.

after i gave julie meievel times she needed 30 stitches and a new appendix
by 07 Sr. Mens Swim November 6, 2007
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during a camping trip or other event when there are multiple men or women sleeping in sleeping bags together and one of the people yells "NAKED BOWLING" and then gets out of the bag and rolls over the other sleepers.

Note: all sleepers must b of the same gender
man i can't believe kyle went naked bowling in the tent last week, my mouth was open and everything
by 07 Sr. Mens Swim November 11, 2007
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