13 definitions by [e.99]Miracle

A very salty person, usually because his girlfriend sucks.
Mack is salty. His girlfriend made him act like they aren't going out.
by [e.99]Miracle December 4, 2004
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You want some grilled cheese?

"Fo sho"

*Fo sho kid gets punched

"thats played out. Its Fo shelia now"
by [e.99]Miracle August 15, 2004
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A real sweet Mortal Kombat character.Some what of a demi-god. The best characters are:
Sub Zero
by [e.99]Miracle December 28, 2005
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The 'American Badass'. Just from that you know he is the shit. From Early Mornin' Stoned Pimp to Cold and Empty everything he does is badass and sweet. He is also a huge pimp. He is prolly pimping your woman right now. Kid Rock is fresh.
"That's why they call me the 'pimp of the nation'" Kid Rocj
by [e.99]Miracle November 10, 2004
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Some real white kids from Ohio. But yet they are so gangster with it, it's unbeliveable. They take some of the most gangster songs around and 'whiteafie' them. So gangster it's crazy. The Boys;

"Hey man did you see that black guy pumpin' that E.P.M. Crew?"

"Fo shelia mayne! E.P.M. is pretty amazing! I like their 'White Tee' Remix. That shit is hilarious; "I`m a white-E,I'm a white-e"

"Them mo' fuckers live in Ohio? I guess not everyone there are fuck jobs. The E.P.M. Crew is super black for being white guys."

"Go Get their CD. The title is fuckign hilarious "Peep Them Bitches in a Honda"
by [e.99]Miracle August 27, 2004
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To eat mass amounts of the same food.
Porge, "Man I have been cheifing on marshmellows for a minute."
Mack, "Hahahha"
E pilaf, "I'm a jewbag."
by [e.99]Miracle November 14, 2004
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