1. A hat made from kitchen aluminum foil or other pliable metallic substance, with the supposed purpose of shielding the wearer's brain from mind control/surveillance by various supernatural or conspirital organizations.

2. Pertaining to various supernatural or conspirital phenomena.
Mike is still talking about space aliens? He must have left his tinfoil hat at home.
by 1Spectre4U August 12, 2003
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We have already said (or know) everything worth saying about this subject.

Expansion of the contraction "that's already been brought up."

Variant: brought
Did any one see the womens' gold medal soccer game? Wow what a game.

Broughten. We were talking about that before you came in.
by mandingoe July 28, 2004
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Parentnoia is the irrational fear parents have that their children are doing something wrong, or being hurt in some way.
Any time Jenny when on a date her father was filled with parentnoia.
My dad won't let me have the car for the weekend. He's parentnoied I'll break something.
by Ian Reynolds June 7, 2005
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Not safe for school, like NSFW, but not safe for school instead of work.
Guys, check this site out... Careful though, its NSFS
by Anuj Saraswat June 2, 2005
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1) Done; Finished; Complete.

2) Wasted; Intoxicated, from drugs and/or alcohol, to the point at which no more partying shall take place for the evening/morning.

3) To be in over one's head; To be in a great deal of trouble, screwed.
1) Q: "Hey, man, you have any more exams this week?"
A: "Hell no, man, I'm donions."

2) "Wow, look at that kid passed out on the couch. He's donions...Hey hand me that marker!"

3) "When her father came home early from work and found us in bed, I was donions."
by Deckman May 23, 2005
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The ability to do or be something without actually physically doing it.
"John was invited to the party, and since I'm his best friend I was invited by proxy"

"Sarah lives with a smoker so when they watch tv together she smokes by proxy"
by Ballet_Queen June 1, 2005
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The theory that history and culture (i.e. fashion, music etc.) repeats itself every couple of decades.

Its plausibility draws from the fact that most parents raise their children with the same ideas that their own parents asserted upon them.
There are many similarities between the war in Iraq today and the Vietnam war .. It's almost like a retrograde revolution.

Hopefully, a retrograde revolution involving the 60s and 70s will begin, and groups will actually start playing some real music.

The comeback of blazers is part of the retrograde revolution.
by Isabella June 2, 2005
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