An attempt to conceal an indiscretion, as in pulling down a window shade so no one can see inside.
"No you won't pull shades, Miss Thing!" -- said to a woman on a diet who was caught sneaking chocolate.
by Jim M. August 4, 2006
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(n.) shortened form of "negative", meaning not in the affirmative, in the converse, detrimental, or unfavorable.

negged (adv.) past-tense of neg, to have denied, refused, dismissed, shot down, et al.
1. On some sites that use ranking systems like E2, chronic lemurs should be able to be voted into neg status.

2. All the lame suggestions were immediately negged into oblivion.
by fugitive247 December 16, 2004
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It literally means half in Hawaiian. It was originally meant to describe someone who was part Hawaiian, part whatever. But the term hapa has come to mean half asian, half white to a lot of people.
She's hapa haole" (a common term in hawaii that means half white).
by riceflower January 16, 2004
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Hawaiian hand gesture. It has many meanings. Originally it means to "hang loose", or to chill and be laid back. It can be used as a positive reinforcement. If somebody did something good, cool, or righteous; You can give them a shaka as a sign of approval or praise. It can also be used as a welcome/goodbye sign. Most people would give the shaka as a sign of wassup or hello, use it as a way of saying goodbye, and even use it as a thank you.

To make a shaka:
1. make a fist (not a tight fist)
2. extend both your pinky and your thumb.
3. lightly shake your hand (too fast makes you like retarded or like a tourist, and too slow make you look stupid.)
4. If you don't want to do the shake, you are also able to do the "I'm tuff" motion. In a downward motion, move your hand. Giving a kind of downward wrist flick at the end. It gives you a more "i'm bad look". It's mainly used by old school Local boyz.
by darren December 23, 2003
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Creating the impression of public support by paying people in the public to pretend to be supportive.

The false support can take the form of letters to the editor, postings on message boards in response to criticism, and writing to politicians in support of the cause.

Astroturfing is the opposite of "grassroots", genuine public support of an issue.
Mike, admit you just got caught astroturfing. You're just pimping your own blog.

Microsoft didn't have grassroots support, so they created astroturf support.
by holloway August 17, 2004
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Reality as decided on by majority rule. Based off wikipedia's 'majority rule' fact. Featured on The Colbert Report July 31, 2006.
Wikiality refers to the changing of reality or truth via a Wikipedia-like system, allowing the public to change facts as long as there are others that agree.
by ZooZoo Magee August 1, 2006
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An action by one male to another male friend which violates understood social expectations, especially where the transgressor obtains a slight advantage in comparison with a relatively large inconvenience imposed upon the aggrieved party.
It was a dick move when Tom encouraged several dancers at the strip club to order drinks, then left his friend Bill to pick up the tab.

Tom and Bill were both interested in the same girl at the bar; when Tom falsely insinuated to the girl that Bill had erectile dysfunction, that was a dick move.
by TheoYoda August 5, 2006
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