16 definitions by Ezechiel

A mixture of oil, mayonnaise (= a thick cold white sauce) and ketchup (= a thick cold red sauce), used to flavour salad

Syn. French dressing

Ezekiel: Luca, want you to come to McDonalds?
Luca: yes, of course!
Ezekiel: why are you so excited?
Luca: well, the thing's that I love the fries there and even more when I put maychup on them!
Ezekiel: you're right, fries with maychup are so tasty!
by Ezechiel February 2, 2007
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From Americo Vespucci, a Florentine, who pretended to have first discovered the western continent.

America is one of the great continents, first discovered by Christopher Colombus in August 1st, 1942. It extends from the eightieth degree of north, to the fifty-fourth degree of south latitude; and from the thirty-fifth to the one hundred and fifty-sixth degree of longtitude west from Greenwich, being about nine thousand miles in length. Its breadth at Darien is narrowed to about forty-five miles, but at the northern extremity is nearly four thousand miles.

America is more than a physical unity, it is a whole of societies and spaces that share a common history. This history commences in 1492, when by the hands of Europe, America enters the history of the rest of the world. Europe "discovered" what, to her, was a "new world" and colonized it.

For diverse reasons America, can be divided into:

* North, Central and South America: Physical Reason. (They are subcontinents, not continents).

* Political and Cultural: Anglo-America and Latin America.
Teacher: Pupils, today I shall teach you about America, the big mass of land in which our country, the United States is. So, draw out your maps of the American continent.

Pupil: But... Miss, I have heard that the continent is called The Americas... is that right?

Teacher: No, it isn't. It is a big mistake. The name of the country is America. Yet, There are too many nationalist United Statesians they want everybody to call our country America. That's why.
by Ezechiel January 6, 2007
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Noun, adjective. The national name for the citizens of the United States of America. Not American, which means from America, the continent

Luca: Ezekiel, what think you about the United Statesian Occupation in Iraq?
Ezekiel: Mmmm... easy to say. A big split-up by an avaricious and selfish man, thus, George W. Bush.

Ezekiel: Have you heard of the party at Fatima's house?
Luca: No... was there one?
Ezekiel: Yes! it was full of United Statesians, Canadians and Brazilians.
by Ezechiel January 16, 2007
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1. Noun

An adult whose interests and behaviour follow youth culture; someone who has not fully grown up.

2. Adjective

An adult who has this pattern of behaviour.
1. I really cannot figure out how he dares to wear that outfit at 50. He's just an adultescent.

2. Let us go to another disco. This one is full of adultescents.
by Ezechiel February 20, 2007
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Contracion of 'say not' used as a modal verb.
Ezekiel: Howdy, Luca! How are you doing?
Luca: Hey, I'm pretty good. What's new?
Ezekiel: I came across Melinda yesterday and we had a chat...
Luca: Really? what told she you?
Luca: I ain't gonna tell you. You know that I sayn't what I am told.
by Ezechiel January 16, 2007
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Contraction of 'love not', used as a modal verb.
Ezekiel: Luca, knew you that Melida dumped Jim?
Luca: what? I knew not that! why was that?
Ezekiels: well, she loven't him anymore.
by Ezechiel January 16, 2007
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Cantonese is one of the languages spoken in China. It is not a dialect of the invented "Chinese language". It is a language itself, such as Mandarin. The only difference is that Mandarin is the official one, and Cantonese is not.
Luca: Hi, Zeke! what've you been up to?
Ezekiel: Oh, I've been studying a lot for my exam tomorrow
Luca: exam of what?
Ezekiel: Oops, I forgot to tell you that I took up Cantonese, which is a language spoken in China. It is not the official one, though.
by Ezechiel August 17, 2006
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