A mythical creature that is created by cannibalism in Native American grounds because of a curse. Yes it's also that thing from Until Dawn.
"Woah, that kid peter is obsessed with wendigo's..."
by Another Juan March 9, 2016
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Folklore beast who in modern interpretation appears to be an emaciated bipedial deer thing with a exposed skull and antlers. Kills unwary travelers who get lost in forests or some shit like that.

Ruined by literally any furry who has an "interest" (not so short of a fetish) in cryptids.
Native Americans would be rolling in their grave seeing how the Wendigo was defiled.
by The TallyMid Exterminator March 7, 2022
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The Rapper/ Producer “wendigo“ or “wendi“ for short, Is a Producer who produces songs for the underrated group called “Spider Gang“.
Person 1: Did you hear spider gangs new song?
Person 2: Yeah i did, do you know who the producer is?
Person 1: Yeah i do actually, His name is Wendigo
by iloveafourteeen July 1, 2021
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A creature commonly described to have a deer skull on its head and have a deer body. They can stand up to ~12 feet and can run at the speed of a cheetah, possibly faster. It can control weather and seeks out meat. It does not go to populated areas and commonly spends it's time waiting for another animal to kill and consume.
I heard a Wendigo in my backyard.
by Cryptid hunter November 13, 2021
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That one evil cannibal spirit that furries turn into a deer daddy fucktoy. (Ironically enough, the deer attributes are modern interpretation. Furries are confirmed necrophiles, since the ACTUAL Wendigo is just an emaciated human.)

It's also a word that morbidly obese white suburban kids lose their fucking bananas over, because "c-cultural appropriation guiyze!!!!" 🤓🤓🤓
"This Twitter horde of sheeple keep on bashing me just because I said the word 'Wendigo' back in 2015, despite living nowhere near America."
by trollface moment October 16, 2022
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Dude there was this old wendigo at my door. Turns out it was our babysitter
by AFKPending October 4, 2015
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