The Dominican Republic, the nation occupying the eastern two-thirds of the island of Hispaniola in the West Indies.
All the best pitchers these days are from the D.R.

by Slipperyback July 3, 2008
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a shorter way to say Dominican Republic (o La República Dominicana)
my boy José is from D.R.

es simplisímo
by diddy kong September 13, 2009
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That which is right winged and very often close minded.
Rob: Come on man vote for McCain!

Cort: Lulz, don't be such a D.R.
by C. Lag July 3, 2009
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The Dominican Republic originally called Quisqueya by the Tainos. An island in the greater Antilles that is shared with Haiti. This is a developing country with amazing beaches and natural goods. The people living in the countryside are quite sweet and hospitable. The capital is Santo Domingo which is a very attractive site for tourists since it has ruins from the Spanish conquistadors and Colombus and his men (who actually lived there). This historical zone is called The Colonial Zone, and it is still standing (made of stone, so it will continue to stand).
" I'm going back to D.R. next week. I miss the weather and my family"

"What's D.R.?"

"Dominican Republic!"

"Oh, yeah. Cool. Enjoy it, loca"
by Ana Taina December 3, 2009
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When someone is acting like a retard or in a retard like manner
eg your a retard is now your such a D.R.
Eg2 your so retarded becomes your so D.R.
by Murphster#19 March 17, 2009
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