verb'' to see, smell, and love at one time while smoking marijuana.
2. to always feel a certain way mainly nostalgic.
EX.1 oh man this weed is fire im slovin it.
EX.2 remember that one time, oh yeah i slove it.
by mr.SLOVE November 11, 2009
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Super-Love. Love so great that the word love cannot accurately describe it.
I slove you.
Superman doesn't love. He sloves.
by gmay13 November 15, 2009
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SLove refers to love inside the online game "Second Life".
I'm in SLove with you, baby!
by Magneto M December 17, 2007
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super love. a word to use when love is not strong enough to explain what you feel. way stronger then love or any other word
i slove you
by fish-food November 28, 2017
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Slutty love. slutty is better.
I slove you
slust-slutyy lust
slore-slutty whore
by celeste M April 30, 2007
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She slove over the stove all day, but still Mr. Tuntingtop looked rather displeased by his so called "Jam Pie."
by Uncle Greeb December 23, 2003
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