n. A word origionally refering to getting tackled in football then expanded to describe any unfortunate event or hit physical or emotional. Generally it has 2 or more "a's" and is said after a varied length of "ooo's" or "oh's" -Saack v. to inflict pain upon or otherwise affecting in any way, most commonly in a negative manner. (present) saacking
"Nice catch blanco nino, it's just too bad your ass got SAAAAACKED!!"
"Holy shit, Julia saacked Stephen"
"Bubba is going to saack your ass"
"Jamie is in for a royal saacking"
"Jennifer is saacking Jamie!"
by Jamie R. February 6, 2005
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means to bray a penis,or to wack it about.
carrie : "i just SAACK MA CHODE all over the door"
lizzie : "shit,i saacked mine yesterday aswel,i just can't stop saacking mine"
carrie :"just selotape your chode to your leg and it wont saack"
lizzie :"cool rocking fact,this chode's going nowhere"
by boggers in the chodee December 2, 2010
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