Monce a very pretty girl as people say but monce thinks she is otherwise. She is very funny and cool. Knows who everyone is. She has many friends and people love to hang around with her. She may be annoying and confusing but at the end of the day you love her. She is in love with music and likes to waste money on stupid shit. She is a very fun person to talk and be around with. She is a bitch 99 percent of the time but yk you gotta love her. She doesn’t care about what others think. Gotta problem with her you finna catch her fade. She is very smart but also very stupid. Most of all she is loyal and will love you aslong as you love her back. She is a very good friend a real one. Keep her if you got her 🍔👑🦶🏼🥬
Who’s that she’s so fun?
Oh that’s moncerad.
by i’m already tracer February 24, 2019
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