Following GPS directions even though they make no sense.
Liz followed the GPS directions that took her on gravel roads even though she knew a direct route. What a glemming!
by Mooseface December 25, 2018
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someone that sleeps with their family
I pulled a glems when there was only one bed at the hotel
by ImHereCuzIAm September 20, 2012
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dude you stepped in my glem
by jake January 28, 2005
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Cobbo-speak; roughly translates to "hey". Often used in conjuction with it's English counterpart.
"glem cobbo"
by Kholint July 28, 2006
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Originating from the danish TV show "Danish Dynamite", meaning "nope", directly translated "forget it"
Bloke 1: Dude, eat that croissant and I'll give ya' a fiver
Bloke 2: Glem det.
by Norsker May 27, 2014
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Originating from the danish TV show "Danish Dynamite", meaning "nope", directly translated "forget it"
Bloke 1: Dude, eat that croissant and I'll give ya' a fiver
Bloke 2: Glem det.
by Norsker May 27, 2014
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