Something that’s very very wrong or in the incorrect place.
‘’My mom died’’
‘Wow,that’s abberating’
‘’ I know, I’m abberated. She was a great woman”
by Astoldbyel March 18, 2018
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a girl that is all you could ever want in life. you would easily go the extra mile for her. she means absolutely everything to you and you couldn't live without her. once you have this girl in your life you wouldn't want to loose her ever. you love her with all your heart and hate it when people doubt that love. when you have an "abbers" type girl, DON'T LOOSE HER.
sean and abbers are a perfect match for each other.
by sean donlon January 19, 2009
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A Fast and Easy Way to define your abs StrongBad style! and the ladies will be All up ons!!
Dude, stop working out so much, didn't you hear about the Ab-Abber 2000?
by KSK April 1, 2006
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