An amazing friend who will stick by you through thick and thin. She is unique and if you know a Xyrille you are especially lucky. They're laughs are hilarious and contagious and often more funny than the actual joke. Xyrilles are extremely gorgeous and stunning but they don't always realise this. Normally, Xyrilles have beautiful black hair and brown eyes. They can always make you laugh because of their fantabulous personality. They have a rare beauty that shows on the inside and on the outside.♥
Gosh, you're gorgeous! Is there any chance you're a Xyrille?
by ElephantMonkeyZooKeeper April 11, 2011
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Ambiguous name-can be for male and/or female. Name mostly found in Asian countries. Signify Meticulousness and Strategy; highly adaptable in any circumstances. They shows creativity in various ways: art, music, dance, and language. Commonly misunderstood by their eccentric personality; very charismatic. Known for having complex and unusual secrets, it maybe beyond expectations for a typical person. Common for balance and duality, can be the nicest person or can be the most hateful person. With that being said, they won’t let you know their feelings until confrontation happens or inebriated.
I had fun being with Xyrill today.
Xyrill wears the most every time.
The way Xyrill usually acts is cute.
by under the bridge September 26, 2021
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A very unique name that a few asians have.

It's pronounced as psy-rill, even though everyone says it as cereal. *sigh*
Person A: Who the fuck is Xyrill?

Person B: Oh, some asian person.
by iFluffy April 17, 2018
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She’s a sweet nice girl. You will fall in love with her laugh,personality and kindness. She’s the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen she’s pretty outside and inside she’s one of the best person you will meet you’ll instantly regret if you leave her:)
Hannah Xyrille i love you so much
by kpop_multistan 🤪 November 24, 2021
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