Is a very chill, understanding individual who don’t mind letting people know her worth. Sometimes she may come off as nonchalant but actually is a over-thinker. Also is very secretive and has a small group of friends, definitely not the friendly type. Loves to stay to herself n be at peace but don’t understand estimate her bc she can come off as intimidating and feisty. But every once in a while she enjoys being an extrovert being the life of the party
Mytraia is chill until you mess with her.
by QWERTY 18 November 22, 2021
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Is a chill, laidback female who enjoys keeping her peace. She is very quiet only to be observant about people or the environment she’s around. Mytraia also enjoys her alone time, she’ll NEVER beg a soul to fw her. It takes time to gain Mytraia’s trust but once u have it she’ll love n spoil u to death. But don’t play Mytraia as soft, she’ll pop off quick asf... Mytraia can be very intimidating and feisty.
Idk what Mytraia got going on, she’s such a mystery girl.
by QWERTY 18 November 23, 2021
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