A love or relationship that helps you realise your actual love for another. It is where you have been too distracted with your current partner to be mindful of anybody else, however, once the honeymoon period of the relationship passes, you realise the misdirection.

It works much the same as the misdirection used in a magic trick or a pickpocketing, where you realise that your watch or wallet is gone.
Brad: Man, did Jennifer look stunning tonight and she was flirting with me and everything; wish that she was mine.
Curt: Really? What about Alex, you know, your new girlfriend?
Brad: Ahh yeah...I've obviously been so distracted by her that I never noticed how much I want Jen!
Curt: That is some unfortunate Misdirective Love because now you're stuck with Alex.
by Ryryq March 5, 2010
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