1. An Eskimo that plays tennis.

2. Eastern American Mythology: A relatively young high school teacher aspiring to become a licensed professional councilor. Women wanted him. Men wanted to be him. His post-pubescent female(/male??) students were all up ons for they found him devastatingly attractive and orgasmic to the eye. To the unaided eye, he may appear to have been dressed by his mother and/or wife. Yeah, he talked a lot about his wife, but he talked even more about his dog, Arthur. On a clear night, when the moon is full, if you listen carefully you may still hear Markowski roaming the halls at Northeast. Roaming, and wondering, "Will that pedal ever meet the pavement?"
Markowski says: "This is where the pedal meets the pavement."
by GeoColSan September 21, 2005
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A great person who is handsome, and loving. has a strange love for people named Sophia. All around great, athletic, smart, and sexy(no homo).
Have you seen John Markowski?

Yeah, he was so cool.
by ImSeb June 29, 2021
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A guy who is always there for you. He will make you laugh no matter what. He can make anything funny and loves music. I he dosnt date you than he will be like a brother to you.
Jacob Markowski is like a brother to me.
I could talk to Jacob Markowski all night and he would listen.
When i was feeling down Jacob Markowski made me laugh
by Jmoran1999 October 30, 2013
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someone who thinks there opinion matters but there opinion is always wrong.
stop being a markowski you know you are wrong
by waterbottleman46 January 3, 2022
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