A girl who is crazy way beyond comprehension. Very funny too, always a joy to be around. She may look down upon herself but usually finds a way to boost herself up. Very pretty usually stunning the boys around her. Although she jokes around she has a serious and deep side that blossoms at night. The greatest gal i eva met!!!!!
"Leanna is such a troll"
by Miguelly Jelly May 22, 2014
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Extremely attractive girl who can give a guy a hard-on in about 30 seconds, has a nice backside. Can usually be found at parties or just chillin‘.
by jkhsjfhsjdkhfjkdshfdf January 9, 2008
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a woman/girl who represents all that could be wonderful in life, the epitome of a brilliant and beautiful woman/girl.

one who smiles and brightens the darkest depths of the earth.

one who is misunderstood and at the same time easy to read.
That girl is perfect, she's so amazing, she's so Leanna.
by Fanmace June 28, 2010
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Leanna is the Irish Gaelic from of Helen, meaning light, beautiful girl.
Amazingly, gorgeous. She is amazing in every way. Intelligent.
She has a line of guys following her every move.
Nice girl that knows everyone.
She's so perfect, she's so leanna
by Donny911 January 13, 2014
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(Gaelic) Form of Helen meaning "The shining light".
Leanna is a beautiful name.
by Leannah of awesomness July 29, 2011
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lennna is an amazing beautiful girl any boy would wanna date she has a sexy body and is an amazing girl
if u have a leanna make sure she is yours only yours!
by aliooooo November 7, 2018
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A Leanna is an enthusiastic crazy dork mixed with hippie wild child & bohemian ideologies. she's a music & art loving Empath, a sarcastic Aquarius~Pisces Cusps whos laws of life aren't exactly society's defenition of "normal" she's a live to the fullest; all, or nothing; ride or die; go big or go home; love, live, laugh; free spirit, seen by most as a Savage; or a bitch; yet once you get to know her she's really a kind-hearted women of God; with an ungodly mouth, naïve perspectives, and the most extravagantly positive happy-go-lucky personality that will light up a room, your day, or even your life. She has a standoffish punk rock princess persona, but is loyal to the core, & holds firm to her beliefs so if you're one of the lucky few able to breach her well gaurded walls; Bravo! Not many do, her love is genuine, without condition and at times beyond reason but once you have her heart its yours and yours alone so protect it or she'll do what she has to in order to protect herself from you, with a you shouldn't have done that, no remorse, slit your throat; narcissistic attitude her gothic dark queen normally kept under lock and key within. Leanna is the girl you'll never forget and the one you can't replace! She's ⊰♰⊱Uniquely⊱♡⊰Authentic⊰♰⊱

~Love her or Hate her; one thing is certain your opinion of her will never change who she is. ~ All this yet still you've barely begun to scratch the surface of Leanna's beauty and depth .
Guy1) Wow!🤩 That chick's weird but crazy hot... Think shell give me her number? 😍

Guy3):Ha! 😆 You can try🙃,

Guy2):😎 That's Leanna!

Guy1):Leanna 🤯?
Guy2) 🤨 yeah Leanna😏!
Leanna):😇😘 Guy2):😉

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