A duchovny is a dutch oven that results in vomiting.
He farted as her head was under the duvet. She duchovnyed and was sick all over the bed.
by r2builder July 21, 2010
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duchovny - Is a word that describes pure sexyness, and pure beauty, the very essence of love, it is also used to describe the most leet, and own, pure OP jank that can be. Duchovny - is a derivative of David Duchovny who is well known as the single most sexy, and crazy leet OP actor/man in this entire universe.
Oh my smooth, look at that duchovny hunter, he is so OP.
Wow that crit was duchovny.
by Kiyka April 29, 2008
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The act of creating a dutch oven that results in the person being put in the oven puking all over the person that created the oven originally.
Joe farted under the sheets repeatedly after eating refried beans and burritos repeatedly while his GF Jill got ready for bed. When Jill returned, Joe pushed her under the sheets and held them over her. Jill proceeded to puke all over Joe. It resulted in a nasty Duchovny.
by Duchovynator July 21, 2010
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A term describing something that is worthy of disdain; of or relating to a lower class or caste; lowbrow; as in David Duchovny.
It was so Duchovny of Gordo to get drunk at the bar and grab that Scarlett belle's ass when leaving.
by Honanboss August 24, 2006
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The hot, sexy, flaring, bulging male star of X-Files. He is not only sexy, but also smart, having graduated from Princeton and Yale. Synonyms: hotness, desire, perfection, Fox Mulder.
Duchovny means 'spirit' in Russian.
"I saw David Duchovny up against a car, and wished I were that car."
"We saw David Duchovny in a red speedo. He has a very nice bulge."
by fangirls April 14, 2006
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