A disgraced TV producer and Creator of Love Action Prime Time Nickelodeon Teen Coming of Age TV Sitcoms who a child abusing molester and The Biggest Douche In the Universe!
Two Friends watching Head of The Class
Friend One: Who's that fat kid?
Friend 2: Dennis Blunden
Friend 1: Who plays him?!
Friend 2: Dan Schneider.
Friend 1: As in bad tempered pervert "the Biggest Douche in The Universe" Dan Schneider
Friend 2: Yep
Both: What a Douche!!
by LordWeathermort January 21, 2023
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An annoying laugh that happens when stuff isn’t funny.
Olivia: This fish sure smells fishy!

Audience: *Dan Schneider Laugh Track*
by milkdrops March 15, 2021
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