Rapper name for white guy named Will Stamper, a guy who designs the site www.newgrounds.com
"This is Stamper, A.K.A. Blacktastic"
by Freddie March 29, 2005
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A neat term that only black people should use. Insipered by Mall Monkeys
White d00d: Here I got you an orange soda, cuase you know, you're black.
Black d00d: *holds up soda* Blacktastic
by Jordan April 15, 2003
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POPEYES!!!!!!!!!!!! blacktastic!
by KICK ass man August 28, 2003
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Awesome, groovy, fantastic, an expression of approval used to describe things that are stereotypically african-american.
by TomXES April 15, 2003
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A person of color that is so remarkable and amazing!
I’m so glad I met you. You are a blacktastic friend!
by lyss4short March 24, 2022
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