7 definitions by zimman

A large indeterminate quantity of.

Synonymous with :

(truck/shed/shit/shelf)loads of, heaps of, masses of, piles of, mountains of, stacks of, oodles of, etc

Also see: wads of (cash), stashes of(money), barrels of (laughter/fun), bags of (fun/ money/ confidence).
"I can't come out tonight; I've got tons of work to do".
"There are tons of fun activities to do in Paris".
"Not only is she intelligent; she's got tons of confidence too".
by zimman August 2, 2005
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Lashings of:
A large indefinite amount of.
Synonymous with: heaps of, loads of, piles of, mountains of, stacks of etc.

NB. Often used with cream/ custard etc (perhaps has a sort of onomatopoeic meaning)
Mum always puts lashings of cream on the pudding.
by zimman August 2, 2005
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To laugh

NB. This word is found only in certain British boy's comics, namely the Dandy and the Beano. It is extremely rare to use it in normal speech, unless inviting laughter.
"That was so funny!", Sam chortled.
by zimman August 3, 2005
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To arrive, come to a place

(from 'to pitch a tent')
"What time do you think you'll pitch up round my place?"
"Gary pitched up at my house at 10pm last night."
by zimman August 3, 2005
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A humourous phrase where the first letters of 2 parts are reversed. Named after Rev. Spooner.
"This way Madam, and I'll sew you to your sheets" (= show you to your seats).
by zimman August 3, 2005
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To get (very) drunk

Also 'to go on the lash'.

Synonymous with:
Get pissed, get wasted, get hammered, get rat-arsed, get sloshed, get trolleyed etc

The word 'lash' orinally means to strike with a whip, and so has this extended meaning (ie. drinking makes you feel like you've been flogged).
NB. Usually used in a positive sense.
1. "Hey John, what are you up to tonight? The boys are all going out and getting lashed"

2. "The boys are all going out on the lash tonight."
by zimman August 2, 2005
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A small furry animal used for lunging.
"Don't forget to keep lungin' those groths!"
by zimman August 3, 2005
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