14 definitions by ukilledthecat


1. A female who is loose in moral and sloppy in her conduct.

2. An insult- pussy, or the androgenous wimp.
1. "I hate Vagiloo! She's such a tease and sloppy taint."

2. "Just do it, you fuckin' vagiloo!"
by ukilledthecat June 27, 2007
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The preaching of fire-and-brimstone hatemongers that defile Christian kindness in their own self-righteousness. Their influence creates negative perceptions of modern Christian churches. This is due largely in part through the controversial and outspoken actions and opinions of a few congregations, such as the Westboro Baptist Church.
Bill- "Who was that crazy guy yelling at you in the park?"

Ted- "Some nutter telling me that my Jesus wasn't the right one to be putting faith in. He was trying to sell his toxic evangelism and some people actually were listening to him."

Bill- "Yikes, no wonder people aren't going to churches anymore."
by ukilledthecat June 14, 2010
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n. a cocktail; an Arnold Palmer with 2 dashes of bitters
Fix me up an Arnold Palmer..... no, wait! Make it a Wilford Brimley!
by ukilledthecat July 19, 2020
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1. Sewage, mainly septic trapped in outflow pipes from clogging and must be cleaned out manually by hand.

2. Gutter sludge, the result of rotten leaf foliage.
1. a) Gah! Your hand smells like wookie!
b)Shit, the wookie hole is clogged again! Don't flush!

2. Get up on that ladder and clean that wookie out of the gutter.
by ukilledthecat November 26, 2006
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1. A burp that smells greater than or equal to that of a fart.

2. A burp resultant from the consumption of "smelly" foods, to include liverwurst, garlic, ect.

"Open then window, Adam just farted, I think I'm going to puke!"

"I DIDN'T FART! It was a barp."

"Holy shit! What have you been eating?"

"Oh, I had a ton of garlic in my dinner at Frank's."
by ukilledthecat September 10, 2007
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n. The inverse act of the acclaimed Cleveland Steamer.

The sexual act by which the pooper defecates while down on their hands and knees and the poopee approaches from behind, rolling their chest on the pooper's buttox in order to spread the feces on themselves. The result is mashed poop.
Dick had White Castle last night. Jane wants to get down and dirty. Dick gives Jane a Steveland Cleamer. Jane is filthy.
by ukilledthecat April 9, 2007
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1. Shortened root of its whole form, 'obnoxious', meaning very annoying or objectionable; offensive or odious:
The girl with that ugly skirt and big mouth is totally obnox. I might have to kick her teeth in if she ever talks to me.
by ukilledthecat March 15, 2006
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