11 definitions by thissucksletsgogetdrunk

A small hick town in Ontario, Canada, near St. Catharines. Nothing has ever happened here, or ever will. Everybody who lives here is bored as fuck. Pelham includes North Pelham (home of the big Avondale), Fenwick (drug use), and unfortunatly Fonthill (rich spoiled kids). It's recommended that you own a car if you live here so you can drive to Niagara Falls to find something to do. It's pretty cool other than that, because it's not Welland.
- Where are you from?

- Pelham

- Where the fuck is that?
by thissucksletsgogetdrunk October 17, 2009
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Also know as brew. A liquid more necessary than blood, makes everything more interesting and adds meaning to life.
Another shot, another beer is all that I have planned
by thissucksletsgogetdrunk October 17, 2009
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A prep (guy) is someone who wears tight polo shirts, and too much hair gel. Their egos weight more than they do, and drive nice cars that their rich parents bought them. Aged anywhere from 16 - mid 20's.

The girls aren't so bad, but they can be stuck up, high maintainence pains in the ass.
Preps don't realize how every other group of kids know that they're huge fags
by thissucksletsgogetdrunk October 17, 2009
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A part of the small town of Pelham where people smoke and drink at the park, it's a pretty cool place.
by thissucksletsgogetdrunk October 17, 2009
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A genre of music, heavier than rock. Metal bands include, but are not limited to, Black Sabbath, Metallica, Anthrax, Pantera, Megadeth, Down, Black Label Society, Slayer, Danzig, and Iron Maiden just to name a few. There are too many subgenres, like thrash metal , death metal, metalcore, power metal, doom metal, and black metal, again just to name a few. The image of metal has been tainted by whiny emo bands who try to classify themselves as metal, giving metal heads the image of suicidal, stupid, junkies who aren't going anywhere in life. This is a stereotype and definitly doesn't describe even half the people who listen to metal
by thissucksletsgogetdrunk October 17, 2009
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A person with red/orange coloured hair, and in most cases pale skin and usually freckles, with ancestors hailing from one or more of the UK's 4 countries. The Earth's supreme race
everyone wishes they had ginger hair, not boring ass black/blonde/brown
by thissucksletsgogetdrunk October 17, 2009
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A highly recomended album by American metal band Black Label Society. Recommended for fans of any music genre, satisfaction is guaranteed.
I listened to Stronger than Death, and realized that I could easily crush any problems I faced in life.
by thissucksletsgogetdrunk October 17, 2009
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