1 definition by spooningwithliam

A term invented by a purple-blooded militant named Naya from twitter to describe a kpop stan who gets into kpop because of BTS. Naya invented the term after BTS did a daesang sweep for the 3rd time in a row at 2021 MAMA (Mnet Asia Music Awards) and Kpop stans threw a massive tantrum.

Here’s what the original tweet said (verbatim, word for word):

“twt and collective hysteria has really convinced
#them that these groups are more successful
than they actually are and now they're learning
the hard way... so let me make it a harder pill to
swallow: any newfound success any group has
had in the last few years is an after effect of the
success and popularity and hypervisibility bts has brought to kpop as a whole. it's not bc they've gotten better it's bc bts has been generous enough to give them their leftovers; leftover attention, leftover opportunities, leftover awards, and most importantly leftover fans, now turned turned antis. please remember this moment of humiliation and despair the next time you forget that. god bless.“
A: oh yeah I used to stan BTS but then I found these other groups!! So now I stan them and have unstanned BTS since!!

B: so you’re a leftover then?
by spooningwithliam January 19, 2022
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