4 definitions by slayalltrolls

A group of white supremacists who target young people for brainwashing. They can be identified by their unique style of rhetoric. Influenced primarily by Mein Kampf and the DSM-5 sociopath classification, they rely on word salad, gaslighting, and circular arguments. They often start out by saying hateful, bigoted things in a calm and friendly demeanor but when challenged will melt down and start hurling ad hominem arguments, project they're own toxic traits and negative behaviors on their opponent, and finally, when all else has failed, they will play the victim. They like to promote themselves as non-conformists but insist that everyone in the world conform to a vision of normality that was taught to them by their parents when they were five years old. They complain that their right to free speech is being trampled, and how everyone to the left of them is a fragile snowflake who need a safe space, while simultaneously trying to squelch their professors' academic freedom because they can't handle having their existing beliefs challenged, and voting for a president who would fire EPA employees for writing about science. You can also identify them by their habits of grooming and dress, intended to mimic the vintage look of members of the Nazi Party. They will use stupid fucking buzz words they learned on Youtube - because they don't read books - such as red pilled, regressive left, or cultural marxism. Basically they're the shittiest lifeforms walking the earth today.
Andrew is a Nazi but he prefers the term alt-right.
by slayalltrolls April 17, 2017
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I used to like Key & Peele, until I got red pilled.
by slayalltrolls March 28, 2017
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A phrase used by George H.W. Bush at the end of the Cold War to describe the shift from a bipolar structure where power was divided between the USA and USSR to one where the US stood as the only global superpower. Since then, the phrase has been adopted by right-wing svengalis, first by neo-nazis in the nineties, but more recently by nazi-influenced propaganda artists on Youtube, to confuse poor and uneducated, or sometimes just lazy and ignorant, people about the source of their oppression, and encourage them to support politicians and policies that are in direct opposition to their own interests.
The Equal Protections Clause is part of a New World Order (NWO) plot to turn your kids gay! The Voting Rights Act is part of a NWO conspiracy to take away our rights to deny the vote to blacks! Child labor laws are a NWO conspiracy to take away our rights as parents to send our children to work in coal mines! The Nazis were total SJWs who hated the military! Black is white! Up is down! Right is wrong and wrong is right! It's true because I heard it on ALEX JONES!!!
by slayalltrolls April 16, 2017
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A term used by people who get all of their "news" and "information" from youtube, to describe any source offering facts that don't comport with the nonsense they've been consuming. More hardcore idiots will use the acronym MSM because they reference the mainstream media so much.
I went to buy some light bulbs and the cashier started telling me about how the mainstream media is covering up UFOs. When I told him I didn't have time to talk, he told me I had been "blue pilled."
by slayalltrolls April 17, 2017
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