4 definitions by skoaner

The most 1337 way to say w00t.
<player A> W00t j00 been qwn3d!
<player B> W00tx0r -eat my pinapple!
<player A> WTF I:=n00b :(
by skoaner October 19, 2004
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Own. The new hotness in 1337 for own. cwn>qwn>>pwn>own.
A) Dude, you totally qwn3d those CTs!
B) n00b, I cwn3d them!
by skoaner March 16, 2005
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The practice of owning so hard that one is effectively uber-1337.
<1337-h4x0r>: D00d! We h4x0r3d like 4 different chix0rz boxes last night!

<teh-geh>: W00t! You're a owninja!
by skoaner October 17, 2004
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A combination of LOL and OMG, LOMG is where you are typing LOL and teh funny is upgraded mid key-stroke to an OMG. Much more powerful expression than ZOMG
h4x0r: lollerskates dude, that guy just ate his own face!
pwn3r4t0r: LOMG I just did it too!
by skoaner January 21, 2006
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