9 definitions by robh353

1. Medical: a drug used as a heavy sedative.

2. 'A thinking man's mogadon', something that would put a man of intelligence to sleep.
by robh353 June 20, 2005
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a Gabby McDonal is an irritating Australian troll poster who has a mixture of unjustified national pride, a comically stereotyped view of outside Australia, and is apparently proud of his criminal deportation ancestry.
That irritating dingo Gabby, is a troll and a clueless Aussie dingo.
by robh353 March 27, 2005
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Pud Icon is an irregular event in a Bay Street Starbucks, in Toronto.
Pud (the Polack) sits in a chair and the Pud Iconesses sit round and hope to hear how they can make the leap from BOM to PM just like The Pud claims to have done. What they don’t know is that he is a charade! In reality, the closest he has gotten to being PM is managing his CAD$2K personal account through Schwab utilizing a ‘pure stock picking approach,’ which in reality is a humble attempt at Canadian index tracking with an overlay of bullshit. Pud's real job is junior sandwich artist manager at Bay Street Subway.
The Pud (posting on analystforum.com):
Any of you care to come to a Pud Icon event at Bay Street Starbucks this afternoon? 5 P.M don't be late - and drinks are on you!
Clueless BOM1: Can you tell me if now is the right time to start studying for level 1?
Slightly less Clueless BOM: Yes I can’t wait! You can tell me how to get out of reconciling soft commodity futures and into sales trading of exotic derivatives! It’s about time I made the move as well!!! P.S. Lion are you coming? Pud can tell you how to get out of the middle office totting up rent cheques?
Clueless BOM2: I just graduated college (Ivey league) with a low GPA and a computer science degree. Pud, how do I get into investment management in one of the legendary Bay Street houses? This is what I have always wanted to do!
Hedgezilla: Pud, why do you bother?
N.B. Not to be confusion with Pop Icon, a British TV show.
by robh353 September 10, 2005
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A Back Office Monkey/ Minion. On an intellectual par with HR workers, this person is either a career B.O.M., or delusionally thinks they have a chance at moving to the front office in one go. Often found studying Level 1 CFA exam in the September to June period year after year.
The new B.O.M. LION thinks he can get a gig on the credit derivatives prop desk, just because he knows how to reconcile a trade!
by robh353 March 25, 2005
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1. A person who creates artful sanwiches for people in a Sandwich shop.

2. A person who, in real terms, is unskilled, and cant see it, despite thinking they have a 'talent'. The person often makes inappropriate, obtuse, or simplistic comments, to everyone elses amusement.

3. A synonym for B.O.M.
Look at the sandwich artist Lion. He is boasting about his temp contact in a Real Estate firm after we terminate his temp work here - he has finished the archiving we had him in for.

He is a born and bred B.O.M. like Jagoff When will he wake up?
by robh353 June 7, 2005
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1. A person who creates artful sandwiches for people in a sandwich shop.

2. A person who, in real terms, is unskilled, and cant see it, despite thinking they have a 'talent'. The person often makes inappropriate, obtuse, or simplistic comments, to everyone elses amusement.

3. A synonym for B.O.M.
Look at the sandwich artist Lion. He is boasting about his temp contact in a Real Estate firm after we terminate his temp work here - he has finished the archiving we had him in for.

He is a born and bred B.O.M. like Jagoff. When will he wake up?
by robh353 June 9, 2005
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Lion2004 is a clueless poster on AnalystForum. He has no real world experience which he evidences by his hyperbolic statements, his version of MBA-speak platitudes and non-insights and his personal distain of others who accept what is offered and work at their career on a practical/ results basis. He on the otherhand waits for offers which won't come, overplays his hand and dismisses successful people who show some initial interest. Here, at age 25 and with no work experience, he elucidates what he would have done had he has his time again (note the impracticality of the plan):
Brock Flanders:


You have a lot of interests. Let's pretend you are 18 and haven't even gone to university yet. Plan out your entire pre-corporate training for us. What would you study? Military? Grad school?

interesting question..

(18 - 21)
BSc in maths/stats/finance - from either LSE, Imperial, York, Warwick (aim for 1st class)
- during summer take internships in Investment Banking (Credit derivatives / sales) / Investment management.
- Study Spanish throughout university
- Compete in various Marathons
- University rowing teams

MSc in Finance / Real Estate Investment - well regarded UK university
Take CFA 1 / GMAT
- Compete various marathons
- Broker Chinese energy privatisations
- Set up inport/ export company

(22- 26)
Sandhurst Officer training. Various oversea posts and with UN. Complete SAS selection.
Sit CFA 2 while in service.

Harvard/Wharton MBA - in finance/real estate
Sit CFA 3

28+ Set up Real Estate Investment / Development firm

- Yeah right Lion2004, like you are going to achieve any of those in the real world. LMAO!
by robh353 May 9, 2005
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